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Prefold Cotton Diapers

Cloth-eez® Prefold Diapers

choose chlorine-free white or unbleached cotton, scroll down for organically grown cotton

cotton diaper 
prefold diapers   More information and pictures of prefolds here
Cloth-eez® Prefolds fit your baby right are very easy to use. Prefold diapers are the backbone of your baby's cloth diaper wardrobe. From just $2.00 each for newborn to $2.92 each for large, they are economical, yet wonderful. Find the "prefold love" here at Green Mountain Diapers.

Cloth-eez® Prefolds in chlorine-free unbleached

gmd prefold diapers also in preemie

We developed the Cloth-eez® brand sizes to fit babies. Years ago, we sold only "green edge infant" size and "blue edge standard" size. We no longer sell those sizes, but they are pictured here, unwashed, so you can understand the sizes and why the Cloth-eez® sizes make so much sense. Not only do the sizes make sense and fit great, but the quality of the cotton is the best there is, will little to no pilling, wonderful durability and softness. Also affectionately known around the web as "GMD Prefolds", but the brand name is actually Cloth-eez®.
GMD prefold diapers
Green edge prefolds are too long to fit in most newborn size covers. Most newborn babies really do need newborn diapers! Later on, after baby outgrows this size, these are still great for everything such as spit up rags, and very absorbent nighttime doublers. Babies are wet people. Cloths such as these are just plain handy to have around long after baby outgrows the newborn size.
Want to see your beautiful baby on GMD? Send a picture of baby wearing a Cloth-eez prefold to with permission to use the picture and you might see it right here! We need new pictures with the new Cloth-eez diapers on babies.
premature baby diaper Preemie size available in white or unbleached. Preemie size makes a nice doubler.
Measurements and weights of the prefolds are here and also below. Scroll down.

Cloth-eez Prefold Small Yellow Edge fits perfectly with no folding down in a size small Bummis Super print, celery dots small shown. Then just lay baby down on the diaper, pull it up between the legs, and fasten the cover. Yes, it's that easy. This baby is 11 pounds, 8 weeks old:
how to use prefold diapers   8 weekk old baby in prefold diapers

newborn prefoldA full thickness 4-8-4 prefold that is short enough to fit in Bummis Super Snap size newborn without folding down.
We made the Newborn Orange edge size to be the perfect newborn prefold. It is the full width and thickness 4-8-4 ply of the other sizes (unlike preemie which is thinner) but is shorter in length so it actually fits in newborn covers without the awkward folding down of the extra length of diapers that are too long for the covers. You can pin or snappi this on a newborn. You can't do that with preemie size because they are too narrow, and preemie size is not nearly as thick and absorbent as the Newborn Orange Edge.
Can you skip Newborn Orange Edge and start with Yellow edge? Average newborns really do need newborn prefolds and newborn covers. The Newborn orange edge offers an economical alternative to newborn size fitted diapers and it's really nice to have diapers that fit in those early weeks. If you are on a tight budget, or expecting a 9.5 or 10 pound newborn, skip this and start with yellow edge in small covers. Even so, it's great to have some orange edge on hand just in case baby is smaller than you expect and they make great doublers later on anyhow. So you'll use them plenty even if baby does turn out to be 10 pounds at birth!
10 days old, 7.5 pounds newborn prefold diaper
See more newborn baby pictures here.
newborn baby diapers24 days old, 8 lbs. 12 ounces.
"Newborn prefold diapering perfection." - a customer talking about newborn orange edge diapers, June 2007.

big newborn baby diaper13 days old and 9.5 pounds.

Customers often ask if they can skip orange edge newborn and start with yellow edge. Unless your budget is very tight, get the newborn orange edge for your newborn because they actually fit newborn babies and fit in newborn covers. If baby will be born at close to 10 pounds or more, skip newborn.
orange edge newborn prefold 2 weeks old, 7 pounds 10 ounces
9 pound newborn baby A big newborn baby 9 pounds 10 ounces. This big baby can skip newborn orange and start in size small yellow. This is a small organic, which runs a little larger than white and unbleached yellow edge smalls.

Below is another comparison of orange and yellow edge. This baby is 8 weeks old and 11 pounds. It's definitely time to move up to yellow edge!
yellow edge prefold 8 weeks old orange edge prefold 8 weeks oldsame baby, 8 wks 11 lb
yellow edge 4 months4 months old, 14.5 pounds, snappi fastened small yellow edge white

yellow edge diaper6 weeks old, 11 pounds 8 ounces, snappied small yellow edge unbleached.
baby in diaper prefold diaper on babyA Bummis Super Whisper Wrap size small over it.
gmd prefoldsMuch easier to pin because the prefold is wider. Love it!

Below are 2 pictures sent in by customers in June and July 2009. Yes, you can do this. Cloth diapers really work.
yellow edge gmd prefold2 months, 12.6 pounds  

Which size? That's a difficult choice. Sometimes it depends on which cover you use or even which outfit you want to put over it. Smaller diapers are less bulky, bigger diapers are more absorbent because more cotton=more absorbency. This baby below, in the blue shirt, is 16 pounds. He fits yellow, red or brown edge prefolds! He has outgrown the green edge because they are not wide enough now. If I already owned 3 dozen yellow edge, I'd keep using them no problem, then buy some brown edge and skip red edge. If I were buying for the first time now, at 16 pounds, the red edge are really his correct fit. But, if you want the size to last longer, then get brown edge now and medium covers, and it will work with growing room. The wise thing could be 2 dozen red edge and 1 dozen brown edge, since red is really his correct size, and you really use 2 dozen in rotation. But you also need that 3rd dozen on hand for just in case and during washtime, so that "spare" dozen could be the next size up. Having that 3rd dozen on hand makes the whole thing less stressful because then you don't have to worry about running out, and that is very important to make it all work easily.
yellow edge diaper16 pounds

What fits in what? It depends on HOW you like things to fit. Prefold diapers are cotton diapers and they do require a cover.
bummis and cloth-eez prefold diapersBummis Super Whisper Wrap
which size prefolds in bummi originalBummis Original
cloth-eez prefolds in newborn diaper covers Covers stretch at the legs so the picture isn't exactly like it really is when you put it on a baby. They are really a bit larger than shown because the covers are at rest here, but this gives you a good idea of them even so.

Toddler size prefolds are available, but many babies will potty learn before they get to size Toddler prefolds. However, consider the Toddler size as your nighttime diaper for babies about age 9 months or over. A toddler size prefold is a wonderful, washable, inexpensive changing pad. Have a few on hand.
Thinner is less bulky but it is also less absorbent. Generally, that's the way it is with diapers. If someone tells you otherwise, question it.
More cotton = more absorbency = more bulk.
Less cotton = less absorbency = trimmer fit under clothes = more frequent changes. What's your style? What's your preference?
New to cloth and overwhelmed by the choices? Click here.

No pins necessary!
The Fold Down the Front Method for wrap style covers:
prefold1.jpg (3457 bytes) prefold2.jpg (3412 bytes) prefold3.jpg (3124 bytes) prefoldcover.jpg (4606 bytes) prefoldclosed.jpg (4424 bytes)
Here is the prefold. It's an unbleached Regular Premium blue edge (we no longer sell this size, but have correctly sized prefolds now to avoid this step).
Fold down front to attain desired length. If you buy the size that fits in the cover, there is NO need to fold down. The prefold will fit right in. But if your prefold is too long for your cover, you will need to fold it down. Then, fold in both sides, this is the "fold in thirds" step. Lay folded prefold in wrap style cover. Done! Bummis Super size Medium is shown with a Regular Premium prefold.

Fold down the back method for too-long prefolds:
cotton prefold cotton diaper in cover fold cloth diaper  Lay baby on this and close it up. This is a Bummi Original size large.
diaper in bummi originalRegular Premium prefold (blue edges) in a Bummi Original size large.

Alternative method:
sidedsq.jpg (7214 bytes)sidedsqfold.jpg (6166 bytes)sidedsqcover.jpg (12240 bytes)
Start with prefold sideways this way.Fold it in thirds or fourths.Place it in cover.  Bummis Super Print size medium is shown with a Regular Premium prefold. The thick part is under baby's bottom and nothing is folded down on baby's tummy.  This prefold is tucked under the flap, which is optional.
Alternative fold again - can be in thirds or fourths: middle step is optional
fold diaper fold prefold diaper folding diaper

Fact about prefold diapers: they are FLAT when they are brand new, but shrink and get soft and quilty after washing. We recommend washing all diapering items several times before first use to "prep" them, or break them in before using.
unwashed diaper
Below is 5 months old 15 pounds, in unbleached and white red edge prefolds. She is just now moving up to size medium covers. Imse Vimse size medium shown under the white red edge snappied Cloth-eez
cotton red edge diaper white prefold diaper
twist fold red edge diaper Nicely pinned red edge unbleached, twist fold, on a 9.5 month old 19.5 pound baby. See the legs? Pinning the prefold really does help contain everything. It's not hard. Try it!

cotton red edge diaper red edge unbleached on 8 month old 20 pound baby
Fastening the diaper is optional. You don't need to fasten it at all! You can let the cover hold it in place, by just putting it in the cover as shown below (the red edge in the Bummis cover, for example). But fastening with pins or a Snappi is another option.
Watch a video to learn how to pin a prefold diaper.
You can copy and paste this link in your browser
how to pin a diaper video link See it here.

Watch a short video to learn how to snappi a prefold diaper.how to snappi video
If the link doesn't work in your browser, you can copy and paste this link
New to cloth and overwhelmed by the choices? Click here.
brown edge diaper  cotton borwn edge diaperBrown edge on a toddlers, unbleached "Indian".
Fastening the diaper is optional. You don't need to fasten it at all! You can let the cover hold it in place, by just putting it in the cover as shown below (the red edge in the Bummis cover, for example). But fastening with pins or a Snappi is another option.

red edge in medium bummis cover Red edge fits nicely in medium Bummi Super Brite or Bummis Super Whisper Wrap covers. For a heavy wetter or for a baby on the upper end of the size range of a medium Bummis, or if baby is very wide, you can put a large dark brown edge prefold in a medium Bummis cover. Most will prefer the red edge in mediums, though, especially if baby is just moving up from smalls to mediums.

Sizes vary. Generally, the pictures and measurements are pretty good, but all prefold diaper brands including ours have variances in size and shrinkage rates. Sizes are approximate, not exact. Don't sweat picking out the right size too much. If you are unsure between 2 sizes, pick the larger one. Why? Bigger diapers are more absorbent and babies grow! Better a little big than a little small, and the differences in size are not really that much after all. But keep in mind what cover you plan on using. It's hard to stuff large diapers into medium covers, even though it can be done. For most medium covers, the medium diapers are really best.
Chlorine-free white or Unbleached "Indian"?
Pick which color you prefer, white or tan. They are exactly the same. One batch gets a hydrogen peroxide bath to remove the natural cotton oils and then they are white. The unbleached don't get that batch and you have to wash to cotton oils off. They stay tan after washing, but will whiten over time and whiten quite a lot if you bleach them, of course. They very similar to each other. Unbleached hide stains slightly better, but white has that pure, clean white diaper look. Which color do you like? The organic are all unbleached. Unbleached take a few extra hot washes to break in, but all diapers (all kinds, all brands) need several wash cycles before first use to prep them, so no worries about breaking them in.