Thirsties Duo Wrap
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The new cover from Thirsties. 2 sizes.
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Thirsties Duo size two on a 14 month old 19 pound toddler.
Snappi fastened red edge Cloth-eez prefold is underneath. Nothing to fold down. It fits perfectly.
Middle rise setting over the Snappied red edge Cloth-eez prefold on 14 month old 19 pound toddler. She also fits the medium Bummis Super Brite and Super Whisper. The Thirsties medium is a bit big on her, since she's on the thin side. See more pictures of this toddler for comparisons.
6 months old size two duo stormcloud
5 months old, 17.5 pounds
Honeydew size two on a big 4 month old, about 16 pounds, over a snappi-fastened Cloth-eez Red Edge Prefold.
Rose Pink size two on 25 pound 2 year old, full height setting, over a snappi fastened Cloth-eez Brown Edge prefold
honeydew yellow size one
ocean blue size two
6 days old, 7 pounds 0 ounces at smallest rise setting. Size one, mango, snap closure
Sleeping through a diaper change. Shown over a no-closure Workhorse diaper size newborn, pinned. Same baby as above 6 days old.
Preemie baby, 5 pounds 8 ounces. The trick to making this work on such a little one is using a preemie prefold underneath it.
orchid purple size 1 over snappi fastened yellow edge prefold diaper, about 11.5 pounds
2 months old, about 10 pounds, wearing rose pink. Orange edge are just now too small and she is now wearing yellow edge unfastened under this, which she has just moved up to. The rise could have been snapped down on this size one Duo cover, but it works fine fully up on her. It depends how you like the fit to be. You can see the top of the cover is well above her belly button, so if you prefer a lower rise fit, just snap down to the rise. It's very adjustable.
2 weeks old, 8 pounds, 6 ounces, medium height setting, size one. Comparison of snap version above, Aplix version below, over the same newborn fitted diaper, on the same baby.
Thirsties Duo size one over a snappi fastened newborn orange edge Cloth-eez prefold, snuggly on a Snugglewool blanket. 3 days old, about 6 pounds 14 ounces in the picture, birthweight 7 pounds 5 ounces.
The pictures below show how the prefolds fit in the covers at the various settings. It's hard to picture, though, without actually putting it on a baby, because they go on the baby differently than they lay out, but here are pictures anyhow for reference.
See more comparison pictures.
Note from Karen: I think these run smaller than the suggested size range, especially the size one.
I think size one is 5 to 14 or so pounds. It seems to me they they will fit until the yellow edge is outgrown. Yellow edge fit perfectly in them with the rise unsnapped. Snapped down, they fit orange edge. The size one Duo is smaller than a Thirsties cover size small. They are trim so I really like them over unpinned prefolds, but I personally prefer a fuller cut cover for fuller-fitting at the hips styled diapers like fitteds or pinned prefold, but they do still work over them, as you can see from the size 1 orchid purple on the baby above and the red edge snappied in size 2 above. It's a style preference.
For size two, I'm guessing the fit is 14 pounds up to 30+ pounds, fits red edge or brown edge Cloth-eez prefolds. On the smallest rise you can fit yellow edge in them fine, if you want to size up covers a bit sooner than 15 pounds it might work depending on shape of baby. These do not run the same as Thirsties covers.
The rise at full height of size Two Duo is in between a Thirsties medium and large, and the waist width is narrower than a Thirsties medium (less likely to need to crossover tabs!). The fit is trimmer in style at the hips. That is, the height of the material is less a the hips, mostly because the width is less so you don't bring the so much material around to the front because the tabs don't need to go in as far because it's narrower - if you can picture that. It's a bit more shaped like the Bummis Super Brite, but not the same, but definitely in the same "fit style family" as the Super Brite, I think. If you have pics you are willing to let GMD put up on this page, please send them in. It will really help others figure this out.
One thing is for sure - they are a different pattern. They did not take the Thirsties covers and add snaps. The lovely fabric and gusset the same, but the fit is narrower and trimmer. It's very nice. It works well over unfastened prefolds, although you can definitely fasten the prefold underneath this. For thin or average shaped babies, it will probably fit over just about anything except very tall and full cut fitted diapers. It will fit over most though, just like the Bummis Supers fit over most fitteds also. An excellent cover.
The rose isn't as red as the picture shows it, and the honeydew is brighter than the picture shows it.
prints also in snap closure
Aplix or snaps?
They are different. Aplix is a brand name of a hook and loop closure. Other brand names of hook and loop closures are Velcro or Touchtape. Snaps are 1/4 inch tall but the Aplix is 1 inch tall across the front. That front height of the closure changes the fit a just a bit. Also the snaps version fits a little wider than the Aplix version because the Aplix can crossover the tabs to a smaller smallest setting. With one row of snaps, it's quick-fastening for a snap cover, but generally the Aplix style is faster to put on and take off. I tend to like snaps better because my babies have fat bellies that roll forward when they sit up. To me, the one row of snaps seems to be more comfortable for baby because of it's small 1/4 inch snap height, thus it digs into baby's belly less. The babyfat rolls around the snaps easily. Also, I never get a scratch from snaps. But, overall the fit with Aplix is usually nicer and looks nicer. The front of the Aplix cover lays better. The corners of fabric near snaps can pull back a bit and not lay as flat as the Aplix kind, thus appearing less neat. But I still prefer snaps for my baby's comfort. Another factor in the choice is what you are putting underneath it. If using prefolds and you don't fasten, the Aplix holds the prefold better probably because of the 1 inch tall size of the fastening area - there's more there to hold the diaper in place. You can still use a prefold unfastened under the snap version anyhow, though, but Aplix is usually preferred for unfastened (trifolding) prefolds. If fastening the prefold or using a fitted diaper then that difference is not a factor. It's just a style preference really. These are minor differences, really. (This is true for other brands of covers as well). Sometimes chubby babies fit snaps closures better and thin babies fit hook and loop style closures better. Snaps, when opened and closed properly and not yanked and abused, will usually outlast hook and loop closures because over time hook and loop takes a beating in the wash. Aplix is more popular overall, probably because it's a little quicker and easier to use. Choose the closure you prefer.
also available in white
Choose Aplix (Aplix brand hook and loop closure with snap height adjustment)
Size one 6-18 pounds (see notes above, we think it runs smaller, 4-15 pounds or so)
Size two 18-40 pounds (we think runs smaller, more like 15 pounds to about 30 pounds)
$12.25 each for solid colors
$13.25 each for prints